I needed to do something that was quick to knit and would be satisfying when it was complete. So I settled on the Shroom hat from Knitty's latest issue. Using a super chunky yarn and size 13 needles (which took me 3 stores to hunt down) I sat down and cast on the hat. Two hours later and 6 rows from finishing I ran out of yarn! I still have yet to finish it. Yes I know it will only take a couple minutes to complete but when I don't get home until after 3am I really don't want to get everything out and taking it to work seems a little silly. Toting it around only to do 10 minutes of work just doesn't seem like it's worth the hassle... but just the same here's a picture of how the hat is looking right now:

Then Tuesday night I decided that I should probably get started on the socks I want to enter in the fair. Since my first set was (to put it nicely) a flop, I wanted to pick a pattern that would look just as good flat as they do on the foot. I went through years (literally) of knitting mags and patterns online before settling on the lacy sock pattern in Knitting lingerie. OMG! They're the perfect pattern! Between the way the colorway changes and the lace pattern itself it's perfect.

Tonight at work I'm working on a side project I've got going on, although I don't know if I should or not since I have so much fair knitting to do, but I said I would knit a blanket for someone so I've gotta get it finished. I'm working on the hoover baby blanket. It's taking FOREVER. I love the way it's looking, but the double knit center is insane! But I'm learning alot about carrying yarn and colorwork. So I guess all in all it's going well.
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