I've finished up a baby blanket for a friend of my husband's. I managed to fall behind on the deadline of that project seeing that now it's May and the child was born in March! The blanket is amazing though. It's a partially double knit blanket, the Hoover blanket from Knitty actually, done in a green and cream colored stripe. No plain blue or pink for the babies I knit for! Well, until we decide to have some of our own... if we have a little girl she'll be covered in pink until she despises that color.
I also recently found out that I've won some ribbons for the fair. That blanket that never managed to get any finished project pictures displayed won 5 ribbons including best of show and judges choice. I'm stoked! May 15th can't get here fast enough so I can go check out how my other items did. Here's a peek at the blanket, and a press picture too!


Lately though, I've found myself drawn to hats. Yes I've knit a sweater during the time I haven't been writing... but I've been obsessed with hats. I've got a list of at least 20 that I'm just chomping at the bit to get knit. It's the completely wrong season for knit hats (summer here I come) but they're amazing and fantastic (not to mention reasonably quick to finish) and I can't wait to amass a huge collection by fall/winter.
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